Confidence is KEY
What's wrong with being CONFIDENT? - Demi Lovato
Have you ever been in a situation where you felt completely OUT OF PLACE, awkward, & wanted to hide under a rock? Yup, me too! I'll be honest, I grew up a very shy girl who often stood in the back row praying no one noticed me. Flash forward to a few lbs lost & a burst of puberty later, I entered high school and FINALLY began to feel comfortable in my own skin. Needless to say, confidence was not something that came naturally to me. It took me years to look in the mirror and be happy with the girl looking back at me.
It's true that our life experiences affect the lens at which we look at life through. If someone would have told me 15 years ago that I would move to NYC & start a lifestyle blog - I probably would have laughed in your face. Now, I make others laugh with my humor & personality that's bloomed from years of building my confidence. Sure putting yourself 'out there' is scary as hell. I'd be lying if I didn't question what people think of my writing or my photos, BUT I also feel SO proud of the work I share with others.
I'm also a firm believer that you're never fully dressed without a SMILE & smiles come from happiness & happiness is the expression of our confidence.
I'm all about building confidence and believe everyone deserves to have confidence in themselves in some capacity. That said, I've got some homework for you - find a sticky note, a sharpie, and write 'I am BEAUTIFUL, UNIQUE & I am ME'. Place this sticky on your bathroom mirror & read it every morning and every night. Small affirmations of self-love make a world of a difference.
Side note about the pictures I'm including in this post. FACT: I almost didn't buy this bathing-suit because I was worried what others would think about my curvy body in this one-piece. Of course, I ended up buying it because the angel on my shoulder whispered an ounce of 'you look rockin' in this suit' in my ear. Thank you to every single person who commented or messaged me about how much they loved this suit! I'm SO happy I listened to that little voice & continue to every single day.
At the end of the day, this is ME, curves & all, and I wouldn't trade me for the world.
XO, The Future Miss You