The Future Miss You

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Resolutions '18

*Pop, fizz, clink - happy New Year*

Hello 2018 - you beautiful new year full of personal goals & aspirations. As we come to a close on the first month of the year and you realize you haven't gotten around to starting that laundry list of resolutions...don't forget: you got this!

Let's be honest, January is a rough month. The holidays have just come to a close, you're getting back into the swing of things at the office & that goal of hitting the gym at 6am M-F sounds more like a far-fetched nightmare you want to forget about. Yes. You said you wanted to wake up before the sun and run on a stationary track to nowhere - but you didn't reaalllly mean it.

Resolutions are hard to stick to. Too often we set unrealistic goals that set us up for failure instead of success - if you know you're not an early riser, it's probably best to set gym time aside for the afternoon or evening.

The key to crushing your NYRs: start with something that makes you smile. Yes SMILE :) If that's in the form of a glass of Riesling or a PB Insomnia cookie - make a resolution to enjoy these things in moderation. Allowing yourself to enjoy things that bring you happiness in turn motivates you to try things that push you outside your comfort zone *like that boot camp class you've been thinking of trying for the longest time but haven't signed up yet* I feel you.

The best part about setting NYRs is that they're not set in stone - if something's not working for you - change it up so it does work for you. Be your own cheerleader & formulate a chant specific to your win! Your future self is rooting for you! You go Glen CoCo!

XO, The Future Miss You